icoon kruisje

About us

For us, the past 18 years are a wealth of indelible memories! From the very first year, we promised each other to always exceed expectations. It was a huge challenge to start from nothing every time.

Looking back now, we have experienced a lot and managed to exceed many expectations. We have stories to tell that would be the envy of many a publisher. Each project is a story in itself. This is what makes our job so intense and so beautiful. Every day is different.


Van Den Broek

"A relations man at heart, he will walk through fire for his clients and passionately take you on a journey."

Van Avendonk

"Where it ends for many, it only starts for Hans. Endless creativity. And when it counts, creativity becomes reality."


"Turning creative plans into real experiences with an eye for detail. You can never do this alone; the relationship with the client and supplier is essential. "

van Loon

"The brain in the office that knows and coordinates everything that happens. And certainly, does not walk away from a fun job on the work floor."


"The greatest support within the office and a 100% committed project manager. Knows how to get down to business!"

Van Oort

"Creative all-rounder. Co-inventor of surprising concepts. And also, the initiator of entertainment and the many specials."

van Gorp

"Visualizing creative plans is my passion. And then making it happen in real life completes the picture."

icoon pijl naar boven
icoon pijl naar boven

Fijnevent connects people & brands

A special moment to celebrate, want to increase your employee or customer engagement, or give your brand a big boost? With your goals in mind, we get to work! With over 18 years of experience, we know exactly how to captivate and touch your target audience. And make them love your brand even more. Because that is what we are all about at Fijnevent: connecting people and brands.

personeelsfeest COOP


Endless creativity

You cannot create a memorable experience without a solid concept. Every project starts with listening. An in-depth look into the company, the objective, the target audience, the brand feeling... Once we understand this, we can start! With great creativity, we translate this into surprising ideas and concepts. Creations with an impact that gives energy 'on paper'.

Strong operations

Step 2 is to turn ideas into real experiences. And this is where our second strength comes in: we are extraordinarily strong in operations! We oversee the entire process with a keen eye for detail. You can rely on us for every aspect of your event. Our extensive experience, craftsmanship, and great partnerships guarantee a professional execution. So, you know everything is right, everything has been thought of and will be talked about for a long time.

Feest met publiek

In our heart


The Bambanani Soccer Foundation is especially important for Fijnevent. A football league for children in the townships of South Africa. In partnership with the Bambanani Foundation, Fijnevent contributes to the fun and prospects of the children. Heartwarming, a dream come true: many companies have adopted a football club. Together we have created better conditions for playing football. More fun, better quality of life, and a goal for the children. The goal for Fijnevent: a better future and an indelible smile.

The ball is rolling: 1,600 footballers in 2020, 2,000 children in 2021. A festive tournament every summer in honor of Nelson Mandela. Extraordinary. Even better when, in addition to the active teams, new teams are provided with real football kits and more. Do, think, and help! Your company can also get involved with the Bambanani Soccer Foundation, please visit

Cruyff Court

In februari 2024 vierden we de feestelijke opening van ons nieuwe Cruyff Court in Namakgale, Zuid-Afrika. Dankzij de intensieve samenwerking van de afgelopen 2,5 jaar met de Cruyff Foundation en Stichting Bambanani hebben we een veilige, inspirerende speelruimte gerealiseerd bij een centrum voor mensen met een handicap. Wat begon als een gehandicaptencentrum, is uitgegroeid tot een levendig ontmoetingspunt voor de lokale kinderen en gemeenschap. Zoals Johan Cruijff treffend zei: “Het goede doel is niet je eigen doel.” Deze gedachte stond centraal in ons project, waarbij we iets hebben gecreëerd dat verder reikt dan onszelf en bijdraagt aan de gemeenschap.

De opening was een waar feest vol energie en vreugde, en de dankbaarheid van de lokale bevolking heeft ons diep geraakt. Het is een herinnering die ons bij zal blijven en die we koesteren. Een bijzonder woord van dank gaat uit naar Guus Hiddink voor zijn rol als ambassadeur en voor zijn warme betrokkenheid bij dit project. De ware sterren van deze opening waren echter de bewoners zelf. Hun enthousiasme en participatie maakten het project tot een succes. Met ons gehele team hebben we een blijvende impact gemaakt en een plek gecreëerd die veiligheid en plezier biedt voor de jeugd in Namakgale.